Part Philosophical Inspiration and part How-To for the idea of extended travel, Rolf Potts explains how to travel the globe on the smell of an oily rag (and why you should !)
Archive | Book Reviews
Book Review : Affluenza
by Oliver James “The affluenza virus is a set of values which increase our vulnerability to emotional distress. It is placing a high value on acquiring money and possessions, looking good in the eyes of others and wanting to be famous. Infection with the affluenza virus increases your susceptibility to the commonest emotional distresses; depression, […]
Book review: The 100 Thing Challenge by Dave Bruno
The inspiring story of how an ordinary bloke got rid of almost everything, remade his life and regained his soul. My suggested starting point (especially for blokes) on the minimalism journey – Highly Recommended !
The Great Crash of 1929
Massive land speculation, dramatic growth in margin lending, promotion of exotic investment structures by “trusted” investment bankers, promotion of tech stocks that reaches rampant levels. Sound familiar? Legendary economist J.K.Galbraith tells a ripping yarn with timeless lessons.
Book Review: What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
Maybe you can be more successful by making a small adjustment or simply stopping counter-productive behavior. In this book Leadership expert Goldsmith explains this logic and more. He has a seven step process to make eliminate your bad habits.
The Black Swan : The Impact of the Highly Improbable
Just because you have not seen a black swan, does not mean there are no black swans. Unlikely, incomprehensible events seem impossible until they happen. Once they have happened, in retrospect they are explainable and can even be seen as almost inevitable.