Archive | Strategy

What are you going to stop doing in 2011 ?

Rather than doing more stuff effectively – what should you stop doing completely ? What personal and business activities should you abandon ? What activities, people, possessions are weighing you down ? Why not get them out of your life in 2011 and free up some “head-space” for more productive thoughts and action ?

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The Tipping Point : How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

By Malcolm Gladwell ISBN 0316346624 This is the book that brought Malcolm Gladwell to global prominence.  He is a brilliant observer and his unexpected insights are extremely powerful.  I first read this book several years ago and it really changed the way I look at many things. I reread it in the last few months […]

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The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid : Eradicating Poverty through Profits

About 4 Billion people exist on less than $2 per day. They are at the Bottom of the Pyramid. This fantastic book examines businesses that survive and propser servicing these markets. These markets are a pressure cooker of Business Model Innovation and some time soon one of these businesses will be iin the West and […]

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Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game

This is a story about superior insight constructed around a Baseball story. Michael Lewis tells the story of how Billy Beane, general manager of Oakland Athletics, could for several years win more games than anyone else with a team payroll a fraction of the majors.

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