The Future of Transport
Social Transport – Uber meet Tinder
There’s a lot of talk about how the self-drive taxi will be a game changer as it dramatically lowers the costs of taxis.
That will no doubt be true but there are other, maybe more important factors at play, in particular true “ride-sharing” where strangers share vehicles “on-the-fly”. This will be the real game changer. Read my full article on LinkedIN.
The Future of Work
Everybody has an interest in how this plays out and make no mistake there will be winners and losers.
The “unprotected” are not happy – think Trump, Brexit.
There’s been a couple of recent local television shows on this topic that are worth watching (with your kids).
Future Proof – 4 Corners 5 July 2016
Reboot of the Nerds – 60 Minutes 10 July 2016
My own contributions on The Future of Work
The Future of Education
Disrupting Universities
Universities are a lot more vulnerable than they want to understand. You are no doubt aware of MOOCs – Massive Open Online Courses.
That’s not their biggest problem.
Here’s at least two of them.
An “unbundling” of degrees
In Future Shock : Global Nomadic Accountant I described it like this.
“Students “will assemble a best-of-breed degree themselves: this bit from Adelaide University, that bit from Harvard, this bit from Helsinki, that bit from Stanford. They may have a few components from the CPA’s or the ICA. A third party will verify the veracity of all of the components and “rate” the degree.”
New learning models
> 42 (school)
“42 is a private French computer programming university created and funded by Xavier Niel (Founder of Illiad) with several partners.
42 started in Paris in 2015 and is about to open a campus in Fremont, California.
The training is inspired by new modern ways to teach which include peer-to-peer pedagogy.
Students will not receive any official engineer’s degree.
The university is known to promote advanced knowledge, skills in computer programming and novel ways of thinking.
There are no tuition fees for the entirety of the program. All the running costs for the 10 first years have been personally funded by Xavier Niel a French entrepreneur and philanthropist.
The candidates must be between 18 and 30 years of age. No previous diploma is required.
The selection process begins by taking a few online memory and logic tests, which are intended to evaluate an individual’s capacity to learn computer programming.
After this there is a second selection which is called the “Piscine” which is an intensive programming session in C programming language which takes place over a few weeks.”
> Olin College, an engineering university in Needham, Massachusetts
(Extracted from the full article – The Economist – Flying high – A new crop of hands-on universities is transforming how students learn)
During their four years, students complete 20-25 projects. They spend about four-fifths of their time in teams and combine ideas from different disciplines, for example biology and history in a course entitled “Six microbes that changed the world”. Richard Miller, Olin’s president, argues that projects strengthen recall and hone communication skills.
Business Lessons
I’ve been reflecting a lot recently about how to frame up a better approach to managing people and keep coming back to sport as a useful analogy. In particular Australia’s Football League (AFL) has become dramatically more professional and competitive in the past 10 years.
I gathered all of those thoughts into this LinkedIn post which I know has been well received.
Business Lessons from the AFL
Employee “Culture” Guides
Whilst I’ve been in this “hyper alert” mode thinking about HR in general I’ve come across some great resources which are seriously worth a look if you haven’t seen them already.
The key point is that they’ve all done some serious thinking and explaining “up-front”.
Valve Handbook for New Employees PDF — This has become legend. It is (or was) given to new employees at Valve, the quietly disruptive gaming company based in Bellevue, Washington.
Netflix Culture Explained
Bridgewater Associates – Principles PDF < different – but seems to have worked >
Other New Business Models of Note
Shoes of Prey < design your own shoes supported by a substantial offshore supply chain >
Stripe : Atlas < created a new service stream out of solving a customer problem >
Home Services – Recurring Income < 13 year old Aussie kid’s marketing goes viral >
Game Changing Technology
Human Exoskeletons
Weed killing robots < wanders across paddocks zapping weeds one at a time>
“Robot” lawyer overturns 160,000 parking tickets < natural language automation >
Drones for People < like the smaller ones but definitely not suitable for your lounge room>
Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends for 2016 < great insights into what’s happening >
From my Archive [old but good]
My Virtual Assistant Recruitment Process
Book Review : The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right
Book Review : The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid : Eradicating Poverty through Profits
Upcoming Events
Next week – Disruption Seminar – Adelaide – Wednesday 20 July at 4 PM
Just a few spots left for my seminar – Future Shock : Disruptive Business Models Coming to you…. Go here to book …. But be quick..
Upcoming Business Model Innovation Seminars & Workshops
Starting in August 2016 I will be running some Business Model Innovation Seminars & Workshops. There will be different configurations and different topics to suit different organisation types and different situations, including :
Business Model Innovation for “Not for Profits”
Business Model Innovation for Professional Services
Business Model Innovation for Manufacturers – How to create recurring service revenue
Go here to register your Interest for “earlybird / pre-release” special pricing
[NB. there is absolutely no obligation to proceed – it just gets you at the head of the queue for the special, earlybird pricing]
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